Jean-François Cléroux | Flâneur & Lens Creative
Different Lens, Different Story!

Tag: Workshop

Olaf Photo – Creative Photography on the Streets of Vancouver

Participants will be guided to tap into their own way of seeing using techniques based on a special photography-training program – Simplicity-in-Seeing – designed from the ground up by Olaf Sztaba. The objective of the program is to encourage participants to take risks, unleash their creative potential and learn how to use simple techniques to produce strong dramatic compositions.

We will be discussing and practicing five key concepts during this workshop:






We will learn how to See the Image, Craft the Image and Execute the Image using techniques Olaf has developed over the years to journey past the snapshot. Every day includes a mix of presentations, discussions and street shooting in the most visually-striking Vancouver neighbourhoods. Olaf will demonstrate his original “keep it simple” processing techniques. You will receive notes and plenty of material to take home with you.

You can get more information and register for his workshops on his website here.

Finding Your Voice: The Photographers Journey from Composition to Personal Style

Saturday February 17th & Sunday 18th, 2017.

A comprehensive two-day workshop that will look at Composition and how its understanding leads to Personal Style.

This workshop will examine much more than the ten basic rules of composition including:

1. The Science and Psychology of Imagery
2. The Importance of Subject Matter
3. Elements of Composition
4. Medium Specific (In-Camera Controls)
5. Placement/Point of Focus
6. Division of Space including Negative Space
7. Display
8. Balance (including how to recognize balance)
9. Notions and Devices
10. Breaking the Rules

And will further define and explore Style:

11. What is Style
12. Artistic & Photographic Style
13. Defining your Style
14. How to refine your Style

Although this is a Photography workshop, it is perfect for most artists including Painters and Illustrators. Based on class composition, Jean-Francois will discuss some other Mediums when appropriate.

This two-day workshop is $179.00 per person. Breakfast (Muffins, Donuts, Fruit) is included both days and Tea and Coffee will be provided throughout the day. Students to provide their own lunches. We will break for 1 Hour for lunch each day. There are several local food vendors nearby in Ladner where classes are being held.

Classes will run from 9:30am to 4:30pm on Saturday and Sunday in Ladner, BC. Lunch will be from (approx.) 12:00 to 1:00 each day. There will be Q&A time throughout the class and from 4:30 to 5:00 each day.

Please contact

Street Photography Workshop with Massimo Bassano

Massimo Bassano

Learn the most celebrated photography style, The Street, with the National Geographic Photographer Massimo Bassano, joined by Vancouver emerging photographer Myriam Casper.

“Together we designed an intense Street Photography Workshop to push you out of your comfort zone, giving instant feedback, direction and ideas of how to capture street moments”

Information available here.

Ian McDonald Street Photography Workshops

This is a great opportunity to learn from a recognized long time street photographer. Ian has announced two Vancouver based Street Photography workshops for 2018. He has also announced workshops for Toronto, Montreal and Paris. The dates for the Vancouver workshops are June 15th to 17th, 2018, and August 10th to 12th, 2018. You may want to book early!

You can register for his workshops on his website here.

Ian MacDonald Street Photography Workshops

I am very happy to announce the 2018 course offerings of my 2.5 day (20 hour) Vancouver Street Photography Workshop!  Courses are now scheduled for June 15th to 17th, and August 10th to 12th.

Do you have a new found interest in photographing the genre of street photography?  Are you a current street photographer looking to add new skills to your existing repertoire?   Do you love the idea of exploring a city and discovering new things about it?  If so, this is the workshop for you.

I find street photography to be an incredibly satisfying way to document the world around you, to create new art and to express your vision of the world.   Unlike portraiture or landscape photography that is often calculated and planned, street photography requires you to constantly observe, be fluid and be ready.

What does this mean for me?  It means that the world is a stage and that there is beauty on the streets waiting to be captured.  A street photographer knows how to become part of those streets, how to blend in and how to capture those rare but beautiful decisive moments that happen.  A street photographer understands that street photography is about people, not camera settings.  It is about moments, not perfect exposures.  A well crafted street photograph tells a story.  This hands on workshop is designed to help you find and tell your own stories through the medium of street photography.

You can get more information and register for his workshops on his website here.

Ian MacDonald Street Photography Workshops

I am very happy to announce the 2018 course offerings of my 2.5 day (20 hour) Vancouver Street Photography Workshop!  Courses are now scheduled for June 15th to 17th, and August 10th to 12th.

Do you have a new found interest in photographing the genre of street photography?  Are you a current street photographer looking to add new skills to your existing repertoire?   Do you love the idea of exploring a city and discovering new things about it?  If so, this is the workshop for you.

I find street photography to be an incredibly satisfying way to document the world around you, to create new art and to express your vision of the world.   Unlike portraiture or landscape photography that is often calculated and planned, street photography requires you to constantly observe, be fluid and be ready.

What does this mean for me?  It means that the world is a stage and that there is beauty on the streets waiting to be captured.  A street photographer knows how to become part of those streets, how to blend in and how to capture those rare but beautiful decisive moments that happen.  A street photographer understands that street photography is about people, not camera settings.  It is about moments, not perfect exposures.  A well crafted street photograph tells a story.  This hands on workshop is designed to help you find and tell your own stories through the medium of street photography.

You can get more information and register for his workshops on his website here.