Jean-François Cléroux | Flâneur & Lens Creative
Different Lens, Different Story!

Tag: Street Photography Class

Class is In Session


For those of you that are wanting to start the On-line class, here is some information.

Please Subscribe to this Blog (link at the right) via E-mail, this will help keep you informed.

Go to the Learn Street Photography Menu and read the About this Class page. Then go to Part-01 and read all the required materials. Note that the very first thing to read (Introduction to Visual Sociology by Howard Becker) is probably the most difficult to get through as it reads a little like a scientific paper. Push through it as its worth reading. The others are easier.

This class is meant to be done at your own pace. There are things that are asked of you that are designed to specifically address different elements of Street Photography. It is important that you do them if you want to get everything you can out of this class. This includes setting up your Free WordPress site where you will post your notes and images. This is where you can have friends or peers review your work, offer CC or make recommendations. It also serves as a log of your work so you can see how you progress over the years. The writing component of street photography is a helpful and powerful tool that will make you a better photographer.

As I have just set all this up and created the site in the last two days, we may run into some obstacles. If you have any issues, concerns, or suggestions with any of the class materials please let me know. Note that I will be doing this class one part at a time and posting my results and observations here. See you on the streets!

Also, you may want to read the post below this one as it will help introduce you to me and how I got started in Street Photography.